Kimono Care

Wash and Care Instructions:

First Wash:

Right out of the bag, your new Gi should be a little bit too big. Don’t panic, they are made out of 100% cotton so they will shrink a little bit.

Your first wash should be:

- COLD WATER with your normal detergent
- HANG DRY no heat no sun no dryer!

Fit Test: 

If your new Gi fits good then you can repeat washing it with cold water and hang drying.  It will shrink a very small amount as all cotton continues to shrink over time as the fibres do their thing.  

If your new Gi is too big then wash it again in cold water and use the dryer cautiously and patiently.  With your dryer on its lowest heat setting check your Gi every 5-10 minutes by putting it on and checking the width and length.  When you find the fit you like hang dry it for the remaining time, please be cautious and err on the side of ‘slightly too big’ as your Gi will shrink a small amount further as the remaining water leaves the cotton.

Remember, you can always make a too big Gi smaller, but never reverse the process to make a too small Gi bigger.  

Regular Wash:

Cold wash, hang dry.

This keeps your Gi fitting perfectly, staying fresh, and does not damage the cotton firbres.

Avoid the dryer, be patient and embrace hang drying as it really does prolong the life of your Gi.  The dryer can also damage and warp the collars.

Never use bleach, it may ‘keep your Gi white’ but it damages and weakens the cotton.  

Use color safe detergent on your coloured Gis.

Always, always, always wash your Gi after every use.  Because no one wants to play with the stinky kid.